
Type 21

For over 40 years, Löser has been manufacturing high-quality osmometers in Berlin-Spandau, Germany. The company is currently led by Axel Löser, who continues the osmometer-tradition of his father.


For measuring the freezing point of benzene solutions. Pure benzene freezes at +5.5°C and a benzene solution with a molality 1mol/kg has a freezing point of 0.38°C.

Advantages include:

  • Simple touch screen operation.
  • Utilizes established and robust technology – freezing point depression.
  • Automatic 3-point calibration for enhanced accuracy.
  • Automatic defrosting and draining for safe operation.
  • Calibration standards with full traceability, 200 and 400 mosm/ kgH2O.
  • Double peltier elements ensure a stable temperature.
  • Can be connected to PC and lab computer system.
  • Standard microtubes are used for analysis.
